Client ︎ Snatch App
Agency ︎ Lucky Generals
Location ︎ London
Snatch App | Redesign
‘SNATCH’ the virtual reality treasure hunt app needed a new personality as the existing brand was lifeless and unengaging. The real world game motivated users to wander around their city collecting virtual boxes in order to obtain: weapons, coins and superpowers. They battled each other and tried to hold onto ‘their box’ with the goal to win as many prises as possible.
So we tapped into this mischievious world and developed a new sneaky brand, app and eye mask logo. The UI was simplified so all aspects of the game were intuitive and not to mention addictive. We reduced the amount of colours and established a new vibrant colour palette. Characters avatars were developed into a range of ‘master-villans’ and came inline with the new eye mask theme. Life is for the taking!
Agency ︎ Lucky Generals
Location ︎ London
Snatch App | Redesign
‘SNATCH’ the virtual reality treasure hunt app needed a new personality as the existing brand was lifeless and unengaging. The real world game motivated users to wander around their city collecting virtual boxes in order to obtain: weapons, coins and superpowers. They battled each other and tried to hold onto ‘their box’ with the goal to win as many prises as possible.
So we tapped into this mischievious world and developed a new sneaky brand, app and eye mask logo. The UI was simplified so all aspects of the game were intuitive and not to mention addictive. We reduced the amount of colours and established a new vibrant colour palette. Characters avatars were developed into a range of ‘master-villans’ and came inline with the new eye mask theme. Life is for the taking!